put http://api-pre-prod.setel.com/v1/parking/sessions/
This API endpoint cancels a parking session.
Successful response payload data
Parameter name | Data type | Description |
id | string | The ID of the session. |
checkinAt | timestamp | The check-in timestamp when the session was created. |
checkoutAt | timestamp | The check-out timestamp when the session ended. |
finalFees | number | The amount that was charged when the session ended. |
status | string | The current status of the session. For cancelled sessions, the status will be Voided . |
remarks | string | The reason the session was cancelled. |
plateNumber | string | The vehicle plate number for the created session. |
entryLane | string | The lane where the vehicle entered for the session. |
exitLane | string | The lane where the vehicle exited for the session. |
paymentMethod | timestamp | The payment method used for this parking session. |