Retrieve a wallet transaction

This API endpoint returns a created wallet transaction.

Successful response payload data

Related guide(s): How payment intents work and Payment intent status

Parameter nameData typeDescription
idstringThe ID of the wallet transaction.
paymentIntentIdstringThe unique identifier for a payment transaction.

More information can be found in the How payment intents work page.
paymentIntentStatusstringThe current status of the payment intent.

The full list of statuses can be found in the Payment intent status page.
codestringThe access code generated by the Setel App to authorise the purchase.
referenceIdstringA unique string to reference the wallet transaction.

This can be an order ID, a cart ID, or something similar generated by the merchant’s side.
amountstringThe total amount for all the items after discounts and taxes.
currencystringThe three-letter ISO currency code of the payment.

Currently, only supports MYR.
descriptionstringStores more information about the order from partners.
subMerchantobject⚠️Required for third-party acquirers
Information about partner's merchant (lowest level merchant).

This will be used to display on our checkout page and e-receipt.
subMerchant.namestringThe name of partner's merchant.
subMerchant.referencestringThe partner's merchant's ID provided by partners.
createdAtdate stringThe time the checkout session was created.
updatedAtdate stringThe time the checkout session was last updated.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!