Get charging location

Learn how to get a charging station's location

This API is to get the charging station's information.

Example request

Request header

To be defined by the vendor.

Request query

idstringID of the station

Example response

  "id": "1",
  "name": "EV Station KLCC",
  "address": "No. 1, Jalan Ampang",
  "latitude": 3.1563086,
  "longitude": 101.7119679,
  "status": "available",
  "chargingPoints": [
      "id": "1",
      "label": "1",
      "kilowatt": 120,
      "status": "available",
      "connectors": [
          "id": "1",
          "type": "Type 1",
          "kind": "AC",
          "status": "available",
          "price": "RM1.00/15 min",
          "kilowatt": 22,
          "discardedAt": "2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
          "id": "2",
          "type": "CCS",
          "kind": "DC",
          "status": "available",
          "price": "RM1.00/1 min",
          "kilowatt": 120,
idstringThe ID of the station.
namestringThe name of the station.
addressstringThe address of the station.
citystringThe city the station is located.
statestringThe state the station is located.
countrystringThe country the station is located.
latitudefloatThe latitude of the station (as per Google Maps).
longitudefloatThe longitude of the station (as per Google Maps).
statusstringThe current status of the station.
chargingPointsArray of objectsThe charging point at the station.
chargingPoints.idstring or integerThe ID of the charging point.
chargingPoints.labelstringThe label of the charging point.
chargingPoints.kilowattintegerThe kilowatt available at this charging point.
chargingPoints.statusstringThe current status of this charging point.
chargingPoints.deletedAtdateThe time this charging point was removed by the vendor.
connectorsArray of objectsThe connector of this particular charging point.
chargingPoints.connectors.idstring or integerThe ID of the connector.
chargingPoints.connectors.typestringThe connector type (Type 1, Type2, CSS, CHAdeMO, etc.).
chargingPoints.connectors.kindstringThe type of electrical current (AC / DC).
chargingPoints.connectors.statusstringThe current status of the connector.
chargingPoints.connectors.pricestringThe charging rate. Ex. RM1.00 / 15 minutes or RM1.00/kWh
chargingPoints.connectors.kilowattintegerThe kilowatt available at this connector.
chargingPoints.connectors.deletedAtdateThe time this connector was removed by the vendor.