Pay with Setel online

Enable customers to pay with Setel and check out directly online.

This integration method provides a way to collect payments quickly and securely.


How pay with Setel online works

1. Start by creating a checkout session

A checkout session is created when an attempt to checkout and pay is made. The session will generate a checkout form that will facilitate the payment process.

The integrator will need to decide whether to directly capture the payment or to put a hold before capturing before creating a checkout session.

Once a checkout session is created, a payment intent is automatically generated to process the instructed payment.

The checkout session also provides optional functions such as:

  • setting up a successUrl to be automatically redirected to upon successful payment.
  • setting up a cancelUrl to be automatically redirected to when the checkout session is cancelled or expired.
  • registering a webhook to get notifications upon changes to the checkout session.

1.1 Creating a session for PC users

For PC users, we will redirect them to our Setel Checkout page.


1.2 Creating a session for mobile users

For mobile users, there are three (3) methods:

  • using the redirectUrl which redirects to a specified link.
  • using the checkoutUrl which opens a webpage with checkout options for mobile or web version sign-in.
  • using the deepLinkUrl which opens the Setel App directly.

If no specific URL is given for redirectUrl, it will redirect to the same link as checkoutUrl.


1.3 Future developments

If the checkoutUrl is used, the following options will be available:

  • Setel App
    This will deeplink and open the Setel App on the customer’s phone to proceed with payment.
    Customers will then need to enter their payment information.
  • Setel mobile web
    This will allow customers to log in to their Setel account via the mobile web and continue with payment.
    Upon successful completion of the transaction, a Setel server will POST a webhook request to the merchant’s webhook URL to notify the merchant of the successful transaction.

2. Supported payment methods

Payment methodNotes
Setel WalletPay with the balance in the Setel Wallet.
Setel CardTerusPay with selected credit or debit cards directly.