Retrieve charging session information
Learn how to activate a connector at the charging point
This API is to start a charging session with the selected connector at the charging point.
Example request
Request header
To be defined by the vendor.
Request query
Query | Type | Description |
sessionId | string | The ID of the session. |
Example response
"sessionId": "61",
"status": "completed",
"completedAmount": 0.3,
"completedUsage": 1.24,
"completedDuration": 166,
"billingRate": "RM0.10/min",
"sessionStart": "2022-01-01T00:00:11.246Z",
"sessionEnd": "2022-01-01T00:02:57.592Z",
"createdAt": "2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"chargingStationId": "1"
"chargingPointId": "1",
"connectorId": "2"
Variable | Type | Description |
sessionId | string | The charging session ID created on the vendor's side. |
status | string | The current status of the charging session. |
completedAmount | float | The total amount to be charged by us to the customer in RM . |
completedUsage | float | The total charging usage for the session in kWh . |
completedDuration | float | The total duration of the charging session in seconds . |
billingRate | string | The rate of the charging session. Eg. RM0.10/1 min , RM1.2/10 min , RM1.00/1 kWh , RM2.20/5 kWh |
sessionStart | date | The timestamp the charging session began. |
sessionEnd | date | The timestamp the charging session ended. |
createdAt | date | The timestamp the charging session request was created. |
chargingStationId | string | The ID of the charging station. |
chargingPointId | string or integer | The ID of the charging point. |
connectorId | string or integer | The ID of the connector. |
Updated almost 2 years ago