Retrieve charging session information

Learn how to activate a connector at the charging point

This API is to start a charging session with the selected connector at the charging point.

Example request

Request header

To be defined by the vendor.

Request query

sessionIdstringThe ID of the session.

Example response

  "sessionId": "61",
  "status": "completed",
  "completedAmount": 0.3,
  "completedUsage": 1.24,
  "completedDuration": 166,
  "billingRate": "RM0.10/min",
  "sessionStart": "2022-01-01T00:00:11.246Z",
  "sessionEnd": "2022-01-01T00:02:57.592Z",
  "createdAt": "2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
  "chargingStationId": "1"
  "chargingPointId": "1",
  "connectorId": "2"
sessionIdstringThe charging session ID created on the vendor's side.
statusstringThe current status of the charging session.
completedAmountfloatThe total amount to be charged by us to the customer in RM.
completedUsagefloatThe total charging usage for the session in kWh.
completedDurationfloatThe total duration of the charging session in seconds.
billingRatestringThe rate of the charging session. Eg. RM0.10/1 min, RM1.2/10 min, RM1.00/1 kWh, RM2.20/5 kWh
sessionStartdateThe timestamp the charging session began.
sessionEnddateThe timestamp the charging session ended.
createdAtdateThe timestamp the charging session request was created.
chargingStationIdstringThe ID of the charging station.
chargingPointIdstring or integerThe ID of the charging point.
connectorIdstring or integerThe ID of the connector.